12:47 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures
Blogspot! We have shared some good times together but, you won't allow me to upload video so I have moved to www.claytonflores.wordpress.com because she takes care of all my needs.
I have moved to www.claytonflores.wordpress.com
5:25 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

I chose the phrase "party animal" for a class project. Nick, Mitch, Greg and I were heading to Dallas for the Los Campesinos show and I figured we'd do the photo session in the hotel room. I'm glad I got the "dry" champagne because it was easier to clean up!
1:58 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

I had a photo shoot with my buddies, Broncho, after we played a gig with them at the Yellow Brick Road. It was a challenging shoot for me because I was running out of energy after working and playing a show but, i'm really stoked on the end results. The first photograph is pretty interesting to me...I like how everyone in the band isn't seen because of the bars on the cage.
2:24 AM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

I just love the vibe that this photograph gives off. I did a photo shoot with Broncho tonight and snagged this photo while testing out the lighting. Broncho and Lizard Police shared a bill together at the Yellow Brick Road. The photo shoot took place after last call.
9:12 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

I shot this photograph for a Fashion Ad at my school. Greg is a good friend of mine and he owns Rise and Resist Clothing. I couldn't think of a more perfect person to photograph for this assignment. We found this Airstream trailer in the back parking lot of Cain's Ballroom. Cheers.
1:55 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

At OSUIT today we had Charlie Redd from the Full Flava Kings come to campus for a photoshoot. We were set up in teams of two and when our time came up we had 12 minutes to shoot. Stephen and I did 6 minute intervals and both got some great shots.
8:18 AM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

This is my lovely friend, Sam Collingsworth, who rode for OSU Equestrian. We had an assignment for a Sports Portrait and Kelly Kerr encouraged us to think of a sport that is outside of the box. Sam's getting ready to move to New Mexico and I thought this was a perfect time for a photo session.
1:53 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

We did some sports portrait practice while at school and this way the shot I came up with! It's fun to play with lights while outside in broad daylight.
1:14 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

The Red Alert is composed of three very talented people whom just happen to be all related (Brother, Sister, and Uncle) They put on a very energetic and fun performance. It was really great watching the band switch instruments halfway through the set and keep on rocking.
1:11 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

Lucas and I were outside the Soundpony talking and I saw a good opportunity for a photo. It was practically pitch black and I knew the photo would come out grainy. So I just embraced the grain!
1:05 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

Brine Webb, on the left, is the bassist for Jacob Abello. Brine has his own solo project and it rules pretty hard. www.myspace.com/brinewebb
9:19 AM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

Eric Arndt, the bassist of Stephen Speaks, leans against his amp while Rockwell Ryan sings a song solo. Eric also fronts a project called Refund Division. There is a music video of theirs at www.vimeo.com/7045449
8:02 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

My friend, Stephen Egerton, asked me to take a portrait of his band Slorder. So after they played their set at Free Tulsa; I pulled them to the side and did just that. I really like the expression of the guy in the center.
4:26 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

Seth McCarroll of Gentle Ghost.
I've been watching Seth's bands since I was a little kid in the hardcore scene. Gentle Ghost is an amazing band from Norman that's sound is beautiful, delicate, driving and dark. The vocals sometimes remind me of Tim Kasher and I personally love me some Cursive.
3:37 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

I wanted to give Art a gritty look. His band, Rude Amps, just finished up their set on a hot Saturday afternoon at the Free Tulsa Music Festival.
8:25 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures
This is a little taste of John Moreland and the Black Gold Band. I played in this band for a few years and still love the music that they are churning out. The new Album "Things You Can't Control" sounds amazing and I wish them the best. They used Free Tulsa as their stage to release their album.

Mike singing one of the songs he wrote. I thought with this photo I just caught a good moment and good lighting.

I like how Wayne and his microphone framed up Mike and John.

John Moreland and Mike Williams at Free Tulsa.

I thought this shot of my friend, stephen, was just kinda unique. He's sitting on his drum throne but, it looks as if he should be sitting in that chair instead.
12:54 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

Jared and Nathan in Studio working their magic.
9:41 AM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

We had to shoot an "office" portrait and I chose to do this. I just thought back to that Seinfeld episode where George built sleeping quarters under his desk. Its a really simple idea but, I think it works.
11:40 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

On the right is the farmer that sits outside of OSUIT campus. I purchased a delicious $3 watermelon from him. This interaction between producer and consumer is something that is being lost and I love that in Okmulgee...this is more common than not.
6:37 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

This is my good friend John Moreland. I think he is quite possibly one of the best song writers I know. He talked about getting some photographs and we got together and made it happen. It took almost getting stuck in quicksand and getting pricked by goatheads all afternoon. But, I'm happy with the result! Enjoy! www.myspace.com/johnmoreland
4:51 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures
11:17 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

I was at the Cain's shooting some video of Dwight Twilley and I couldn't help but take this still shot.

My old band played numerous shows with The Brandon Clark Band and I haven't seen Brandon since then really but, that doesn't mean he hasn't been around. He played 32 shows in 31 days last month. This man works his tail end off and won Best Red Dirt and Artist of the year. It was great seeing him but something didn't feel right when I was talking to him and I figured it out towards the end...he left his old Mets hat at the house. haha Congrats Brandon!

I didn't have time at all to change my settings when they won their award. Thats why the color is super intense but, Scales of Motion was voted the Absolute Best Indie Band in Tulsa. A little ol' fact that I have known for years. Congrats my friends!
12:54 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

Kelly gave us an assignment to make our own filters out of what ever we could find. In my car I found a Mountain Dew bottle and then I changed my white balance to an extreme number. But, this all was basically done in camera (except for the JESUS photo). I did a little photoshop to bump up the contrast and detail.
8:44 AM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

Jarod and Jacob were rehearsing a song before they laid down their track at the Church Studio. The track was used for promotion of the Free Tulsa Music Festival that just happened on the 30th and 31st.
2:27 PM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

Jacob Abello doing a mic check before we started shooting video at the Church.

3/5ths of Deerpeople from Stillwater. They were listening to their new track that they had just recorded the week prior to the Church session. I had never heard their music before this day and I was blown away.

This is a photograph of Bryce from Native Lights. I liked this photograph even though it is out of focus and under exposed. Kelly has this photo of David Cook where he isn't tack sharp and it worked for him. So even with all the technical flaws I still really enjoyed this image!
11:00 AM
Posted by
Urban Adventures

We were heading out the door to the festival and I saw how this room was lit up. So I had Austin pose before we caught the train.

I shot this photo during a video shoot of Deer People at the Church Studios in Tulsa, OK. During every bands sound check i'd run around and take stills. I'm happy with how this turned out.

We couldn't open the gate so we all jumped over but, left Charles behind.

We stayed with some friends in Chicago during the Pitchfork Music Festival. She had this really cool winding staircase that I had to take a picture of.